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Oral Presentations

42.  Bunch, A., H. Hershey, B. Post, C. Holbrook, G. Sorg, E. Waldrop, J. Gibbons, T. Farmer. 2022. American Shad Post-Passage Movements and Upstream Extent within a Complex River-Reservoir System. Annual Meeting, Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Charleston, SC.

41.  Bunch, A. 2021. What Does Inclusion in the Fisheries Profession Look Like? American Fisheries Society, Baltimore, MD.

40.  Bunch, A., J. Henne, D. Smith, T. Farmer. 2021. Field and laboratory testing of double acoustic tagging techniques to achieve fine- and broad-scale American Shad movements to evaluate fish passage. American Fisheries Society, Baltimore, MD.

39.  Bunch, A., H. Hershey, F. Hoogakker, B. Donovan, & G. Reger. 2020. A Bayesian multi-state model approach to evaluate movements of an estuarine opportunist. American Fisheries Society, Virtual Annual Meeting.

38.  Bunch, A., & T. Farmer. 2020. Design & testing of an HR2 acoustic array for evaluating fine-scale fish movements.  American Fisheries Society, Virtual Annual Meeting.

37.  Bunch, A., & T. Farmer. 2020. Design & testing of an HR2 acoustic array for evaluating fine-scale fish movements.  South Carolina Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Santee, SC.

36.  Bunch, A. 2019. Managing fisheries in a conflicting world. Clemson University Student Sub-unit, Clemson, SC.

35.  Bunch, A. 2019. Managing fisheries in a conflicting world. USFWS Course, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA.

34.  Bunch, A., H. Evans, K. Carlson, & F. Hoogakker. 2019. Exploring Pathways of Atlantic Sturgeon DNA in Diets from a Tidal River Fish Assemblage using High-Throughput Sequencing. Annual Meeting, Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Galveston, TX.

33.  Bunch, A., H. Evans, K. Carlson, & F. Hoogakker. 2019. Exploring Pathways of Atlantic Sturgeon DNA in Diets from a Tidal River Fish Assemblage using High-Throughput Sequencing. Annual Meeting, Virginia Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Fredericksburg, VA.

32.  Bunch, A. 2018. Managing fisheries in a conflicting world. Virginia Tech Student Sub-unit, Blacksburg, VA.

31.  Bunch, A. 2018. Managing fisheries in a conflicting world. NC State University Student Sub-unit, Raleigh, NC.

30.  Bunch, A., B. Greenlee, & E. Brittle. 2017. Exploring largemouth bass tournament displacement in two connected tidal rivers in Virginia. Annual Meeting, American Fisheries Society, Tampa, FL.

29.  Bunch, A., & D. Goetz. 2017. Identifying sampling efficiencies in fisheries monitoring. Annual Meeting. Virginia Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Lexington, VA.

28.  Bunch, A., & D. Goetz. 2017. Identifying sampling efficiencies in fisheries monitoring. Annual Meeting. Northeastern Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies, Norfolk, VA.

27.  Bunch, A., B. Greenlee, & J. Odenkirk. 2017. Evaluation of largemouth bass stocking on a Virginia tidal river. Annual Meeting, Southeastern Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies, Baton Rouge, LA.

26.  Bunch, A., Y. Jiao, B. Greenlee, & E. Brittle. 2015. Blue catfish density & biomass in a small tidal tributary in coastal Virginia. Annual Meeting, Virginia Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Blacksburg, VA.

25.  Bunch, A., Y. Jiao, B. Greenlee, & E. Brittle. 2015. Blue catfish density & biomass in a small tidal tributary in coastal Virginia. Annual Meeting, Tidewater Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Pine Knoll Shores, NC.

24.  Bunch, A. 2013. One fish, two fish, the geography of a river fish. AZ Game & Fish Dept. Research Seminar, Phoenix, AZ.

23.  Bunch, A., M. McKinstry, B. Albrecht, M. Anderson, B. Persons, E. Smith. 2013. A rare find in Grand Canyon—the razorback sucker. Annual Meeting, Arizona-New Mexico Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Albuquerque, NM.

22.  Bunch, A. 2013. Grand Canyon fish community monitoring, 2012 Results. Annual Meeting, Colorado River Aquatic Biologists, Laughlin, NV.

21.  Bunch, A. 2013. The ‘other fish’ category. Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program Technical Working Group Meeting. Phoenix, AZ.

20.  Bunch, A. 2012. Colorado River fish research activities. Grand Canyon River Guides Training Seminar, Marble Canyon, AZ.

19.  Bunch, A. 2012. Mainstem Colorado River fish monitoring. National Parks Service Fish Management Plan Public Meeting, Page, AZ.

18.  Bunch, A. & W. Stewart. 2012. Factors influencing rainbow trout spatial distribution patterns in a large regulated river. Annual Meeting, Arizona-New Mexico Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Phoenix, AZ.

17.  Bunch, A. & M. Anderson. 2012. Lees Ferry rainbow trout fishery. White Mountain Fly Fishing Club January Meeting, Pinetop, AZ.

16.  Bunch, A. 2012. Lees Ferry & mainstem Colorado River fish monitoring. Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program Technical Working Group Meeting. Phoenix, AZ.

15.  Bunch, A. 2011. Effects of flow on the Lees Ferry rainbow trout population. Northern Arizona Fly Caster’s November Meeting, Flagstaff, AZ.

14.  Bunch, A. & W. Stewart. 2011. Distribution of Colorado River fishes between Lees Ferry & Lake Mead. 11th Biennial Conference of Research on the Colorado Plateau. Flagstaff, AZ.

13.  Bunch, A. & W. Stewart. 2011. Distribution of Colorado River fishes in Grand Canyon, Arizona. Annual Meeting, American Fisheries Society, Seattle, WA.

Bunch, A. 2011. Lees Ferry Creel Survey, 2011 preliminary results. Knowledge Assessment Workshop, U.S. Geological Survey, Flagstaff, AZ.

12.  Bunch, A., L. Avery, A. Makinster & W. Stewart. 2011. Status & distribution of Colorado River fishes in Grand Canyon, Arizona. Annual Meeting, Arizona-New Mexico Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Pinetop, AZ.

11.  Bunch, A. 2011. Grand Canyon fish community monitoring, 2010 Results. Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program Technical Working Group. Phoenix, AZ.

10. Bunch, A. 2011. Grand Canyon fish community monitoring, 2010 Results. Annual Meeting, Colorado River Aquatic Biologists, Laughlin, NV.

9.  Bunch, A. 2010. Grand Canyon fish community monitoring, 2009 Results. Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program Technical Working Group. Presented via teleconference from Flagstaff, AZ.

8.  Bunch, A. 2010. Grand Canyon fish community monitoring, 2009 Results. Annual Meeting, Colorado River Aquatic Biologists, Laughlin, NV.

7.  Bunch, A., M. Allen, & D. Gwinn. 2009. Dissolved oxygen dynamics in dense emergent plants at Lakes Istokpoga & Kissimmee, Florida. Annual Meeting, NC Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Greensboro, NC.

6.  Bunch, A., M. Allen, & D. Gwinn. 2008. Fish community composition and dissolved oxygen dynamics in tussock-forming aquatic macrophytes. Lake Istokpoga Management Team Meeting, Sebring, FL.

5.  Bunch, A., M. Allen, & D. Gwinn. 2008. Fish community composition in tussock-forming aquatic macrophytes. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Ottawa, Canada.

4.  Bunch, A., M. Allen, & D. Gwinn. 2008. Fish community composition in tussock-forming aquatic macrophytes. Florida Lake Management Society & NALMS Southeast Regional Conference, Destin, FL.

3.  Bunch, A., M. Allen, & D. Gwinn. 2008. Fish community composition & dissolved oxygen dynamics in tussock-forming aquatic macrophytes. Graduate Student Symposium, University of Florida, Dept. of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences, Gainesville, FL.

2.  Bunch, A., M. Allen, & D. Gwinn. 2008. Fish community composition & dissolved oxygen dynamics in tussock-forming aquatic macrophytes. Annual Meeting, Florida Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Ocala, FL.

1.  Bunch, A., & T. Cuffney. 2006. The effects of urbanization on stream fish assemblages in the Piedmont of North Carolina. Annual Meeting, NC Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Brown Summit, NC.

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