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diverse set of manuscripts in quality journals


27. Bunch, A., J. Henne, D. DeVries, R. Wright, D. Smith, & T. Farmer. 2023. Evaluation of double acoustic tagging techniques to track American shad Alosa sapidissima movements at multiple spatial scales. Fisheries Research, 261, 106636.

26. Hilling C., Y, Jiao, M. Fabrizio, P. Angermeier,
A. Bunch, & D. Orth.  2022.  A size-based stock assessment model for invasive Blue Catfish in a Chesapeake Bay subestuary. Fisheries Management and Ecology. Early View.

Bunch, A.. 2021. What does inclusion look like? Fisheries 46(12):593-594.

24.  Bunch, A., H. Hershey, F. Hoogakker, B. Donovan, G. Reger, T. Farmer. 2021. A Bayesian multi-state model approach to evaluate movements of an estuarine opportunist. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.  e-First

23.  Evans, H.*, A. Bunch*, J. Schmitt, F. Hoogakker, & K. Carlson. 2021.  High‐throughput sequencing outperforms traditional morphological methods in Blue Catfish diet analysis and reveals novel insights into diet ecology. Ecology and Evolution. 2021; 00:1-14.  (Open Access)

*Co-First Authorship: "Heather K. Evans and Aaron J. Bunch contributed equally to this work."

22.  ​Plough, L., A. Bunch, B. Lee, C. Fitzgerald, C. Stence, & B. Richardson. 2021. Development and testing of an environmental DNA (eDNA) assay for endangered Atlantic Sturgeon to assess its potential as a monitoring and management tool. 2021; 00: 1-15.  (Open Access)

21.  Bunch, A., K. Carlson, F. Hoogakker, L. Plough, & H. Evans. 2021. Atlantic Sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus Mitchill, 1815) early life stage consumption evidenced by high-throughput DNA sequencing. Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 2021; 00: 1– 8.


20.  Kaemingk, M., C. Bender, C. Chizinski, A. Bunch, & K. Pope.  2021. Spatiotemporal invariance of social-ecological catchments. Ecological Applications.  Accepted Author Manuscript e2272. (Open Access)

19.  Hilling, C., Y. Jaio, A. Bunch, B. Greenlee, J. Schmitt, & D. Orth. 2020.  Growth dynamics of invasive Blue Catfish in four subestuaries of the Chesapeake Bay, USA. Catfish 2020 Special Issue. North American Journal of Fisheries Management.

18.  Bunch, A., B. Donovan, F. Hoogakker, & E. Peatman. 2020. Empirical evaluation of OTC and F1 genetics to differentiate stocked from wild Largemouth Bass. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. Accepted Author Manuscript. doi:10.1002/nafm.10431

17.  Balazik M., M. Barber, S. Altman, K. Reine, A. Katzenmeyer, A. Bunch, et al. 2020. Dredging activity and associated sound have negligible effects on adult Atlantic sturgeon migration to spawning habitat in a large coastal river. PLoS ONE 15(3): e0230029. (Open Access)

16.  Hilling, C., Y. Jiao, A. Bunch, & Q. Phelps. 2020. A simulation study to evaluate biases in population characteristics estimation associated with varying bin numbers in size‐based age subsampling. North American Journal of Fisheries Management FEATURED ARTICLE  Early View, DOI:

15.  Bunch, A., & W. T. Stewart. 2020. Integrating PIT technology into gear evaluation in an unregulated desert tributary. Fisheries Research 221:105366.

14.  Bunch, A., J. Odenkirk, M. Isel, & C. Boyce. 2019. Spatiotemporal patterns and dispersal mechanisms of Northern Snakehead in Virginia.  American Fisheries Society Symposium 89: 2019.  DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.10556.49286/2

13.  Schmitt, J.D., B. Peoples, A. Bunch, L. Castello, & D. Orth. 2019. Modeling the predation dynamics of invasive Blue Catfish Ictalurus furcatus in Chesapeake Bay. Fishery Bulletin 117(4):277-290.

12.  Hilling C., A. Bunch, J. Emmel, J. Schmitt, & D. Orth. 2019. Growth and mortality of invasive Flathead Catfish in the tidal James River, Virginia. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 10(2):641–652.

11.  Schmitt J., J. Emmel, A. Bunch, C. Hilling, & D. Orth. 2019.  Feeding ecology and distribution of an invasive apex predator: Flathead Catfish Pylodictis olivaris in sub-estuaries of the Chesapeake Bay, Virginia, USA.  North American Journal of Fisheries Management 39:390–402.

10.  Bunch, A., B. Greenlee, & E. Brittle. 2018. Blue catfish density and biomass in a small tidal tributary in coastal Virginia. Northeastern Naturalist 25(2):333-340.

9.  Hilling, C., A. Bunch, R. Greenlee, D. Orth, & Y. Jaio. 2018. Natural mortality and size structure of introduced blue catfish in Virginia tidal rivers. Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 5:30–38.

8.  Massie, D., T. Wagner, G. Smith, T. Bonvechio, A. Bunch, & D. Lucchesi. 2018. Spatial variability and macroscale drivers of growth for native and introduced Flathead Catfish populations. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 147:554–565.

7.  Schmitt J., E. Hallerman, A. Bunch, Z. Moran, J. Emmel & D. Orth. 2017. Predation and prey selectivity by nonnative catfish on migrating alosines in an Atlantic slope estuary. Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science. 9(1):108-125. (OPEN ACCESS)

6.  Bunch, A., B. Greenlee, & J. Odenkirk. 2017. Evaluation of largemouth bass stocking in a Virginia tidal river. Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 2017:18-24.

5.  Bunch, A., M. Allen, & D. Gwinn. 2015. Influence of macrophyte induced hypoxia on fish communities in lakes with altered hydrology. Lake and Reservoir Management 31(1):11-19.

4.  Bunch, A., C. Walters & L. Coggins. 2013. Measurement error in fish lengths: evaluation and management implications. Fisheries 38(7):320-326.

3.  Feiner Z., J. Rice, D. Aday, & A. Bunch. 2013. Trophic niche and diet overlap between invasive white perch and resident white bass in a southeastern reservoir. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 142(4):912-919.

2.  Makinster, A., W. Persons, L. Avery, & A. Bunch. 2010. Colorado River fish monitoring in Grand Canyon, Arizona—2000-2010 Summary. USGS Open File Report. U.S. Geological Survey, Grand Canyon Research and Monitoring Center, Flagstaff, AZ.

1.  Bunch, A., M. Allen, & D. Gwinn. 2010. Spatial and temporal hypoxia dynamics in dense emergent macrophytes in a Florida lake. Wetlands 30(3):429-435.

In process

Bunch, A., B. Post, G. Sorger, E. Waldrop, H. Hershey, & T. Farmer. In prep. Movements of an anadromous alosine within a complex river-reservoir system.  Movement Ecology. (15 text pages, 4 tables, 5 figures)

Mathews, A., A. Bunch, J. Facendola, T. Farmer, D. Kazyak, & F. Scharf.  In prep. Confirming the existence of a genetically distinct spring spawning population of Atlantic sturgeon in the Cape Fear River, North Carolina. Journal TBD.  (21 text pages, 1 table, 6 figures)

Bunch, A. J. DeMeester, W. Spoon, D. Schaffer-Smith, G. Benjamin, J. Hickey, J. Bashaw, A. Hatchell, & T. Farmer.  In prep.  Dam submergence flows: an e-flow prescription designed to submerge low head dams for anadromous fish passage improvements. River Research & Applications (ARENA article). (13 text pages, 4 figures, 2 tables)

Bunch, A., J. Matthews, D. R. DeVries, R. Wright, F. Scharf, D. Smith, & T. Farmer.  In prep.  Anadromous fish space use and behavioral states at a coastal nature-like fishway inferred from ultrafine-scale 2D positioning.  Transactions of the American Fisheries Society  (14 text pages, 5 figures)

Bunch, A.,  J. Mathews, T. Farmer, J. DeMeester, F. Scharf, A. Hatchell, J. Henne, L. Plough, D. Smith, & H. Evans.  In prep.  Environmental DNA (eDNA) and flows (eflows): eDNA signals passage of Atlantic sturgeon following designed dam submergence eflows. Environmental DNA  (24 text pages, 5 figures, 4 tables)   

Bunch, A., J. DeMeester, H. Hershey, J. Raabe, F. Scharf, K. Rachels, B. Peoples, M. Gaither, D. DeVries, R. Wright, D. Smith, A. Hatchell, & T. Farmer.  In prep.  Environmental flow effects on anadromous fish passage in a fragmented coastal river: A Bayesian multistate modeling approach.  River Research & Applications  (9 text page, 3 tables).


Bunch, A., T. Farmer, J. DeMeester, K. Rachels, A. Hatchell, F. Scharf, & H. Evans. In prep.  Investigating low-head dam passage of an anadromous alosine in a fragmented coastal river with eDNA. Environmental DNA. (10 pages, 1 figure)




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